Year 12

Welcome to all Year 12 Geographers 2013!
Looking forward to an exciting year ahead.

Homework Timed Question: 

Compare and comment on the economic and social effects of flooding in two contrasting areas of the world (15 marks).

Due Friday 31st January

Homework Timed Question:   With reference to one case study (use Boscastle), discuss the impact of flooding on people and the environment
 (15 marks)

Take time to read through your notes and the Geofactfile handed out (there is also a copy on the curriculum drive). Within your 15 minutes make a short plan and complete the essay.

Remember PEEL!
Point, Evidence, Explain, Link

Due Thursday 30th January

Question: Channel characteristics such as cross profile, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, roughness and efficiency change downstream.

Describe and explain how channel characteristics change downstream 
(15 marks).

Due Wednesday 30th October

Homework 11/09/13

1. Complete the past exam question: 
'Describe how water reaches a river channel in a drainage basin'.

2. Provide real life examples of a positive and negative feedback system. 

These notes will help:

Due Thursday 12th September
Miss Richmond

Here is some information for you to read through before next lesson.

Drainage Basin

A drainage basin is an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries where any precipitation is collected or drained into it.
They are separated from each other by areas of high land. This is known as the watershed. 
The drainage basin hydrological cycle is defined as a single river system bounded by its own watershed and the sea (look at the diagram above).
It is an open system (see 'systems theory notes' below) with:
Inputs (things being added)
Outputs (things being taken away)
Stores (areas where water is stored)
Transfers or flows (movement of water)

Systems Theory - this is simply a way of explaining how natural processes work.
They are usually split into three types:
Isolated - there is no input or output of energy or matter. The universe is probably the only example of this!
Closed - there is input, transfer and output of energy but not of matter or mass. We looked at an example of a closed system in class; the hydrological cycle. The only input is energy from the sun, no matter is added (water in this case). 
Open - there are inputs and outputs of both energy and matter. The drainage basin is an example of this. 

The link below is a tutorial from another Geography teacher. It runs through this process and provides a visual to the notes above.

Have a look and let me know next lesson if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend! 
Miss Richmond

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